3-Day Industrial Leadership Skills Program


This course is designed for Leaders of maintenance, operations and production; for those who lead mechanics, electricians, millwrights, welders, machinists, rig hands, longshoremen, equipment operators, line workers...; people working in mills, mines, plants, factories, rigs, docks, ports, refineries...; people who work around high speed, rotating equipment, with explosive, high energy systems, at heights, in confined spaces...; where the environments are deadly cold, abusively hot, dark, dirty, caustic...; an inherently dangerous world where accidents are not a typo or a misplaced decimal, repaired with a backspace, but a body ruining, life ending reality, paid for in blood, pain, misery and death. In hard environments that forge hard people and hurt the souls of the sensitive.

Where the workday is liberally infused with the language echoes of the Roman soldier and corvette navy, used by all genders at the slip of a wrench or for the description of a beardless wonder waving his piece of paper and where the first aid kit in dad’s workshop was kleenex, electrician’s tape and a rhythmic, fluent stream of healing profanity.

It is a world of mixed messages - safety first but time is money and even experienced workers disappear under equipment only to be found hours later. It is the cold iron of a rig at -40, an underground arctic mine frozen to -60, surface mines that are a sea of freezing mud and danger, waterfronts that go from freezing rain to morbid heat but the ships keep coming.

A world where your first promotion leaves friends and fishing buddies behind, accepting the position because “somebody has to do it” and giving your team the time and resources they need to properly do their jobs while covering their back’s.

In this program we will take these hard rock, granite personalities and train, temper, mold and guide them so their actions and communications can meld into a 21st-century world of genders, ism’s, feelings and political correctness and develop safe, high performing teams with esprit de corps, pride in their unit, happy in your company.